To Burn or Not To Burn: Listening to a Forest
This is a personal essay that explores questions we have about forest ecology and fire in the giant tingle forest of southwestern...

Wadandi Heritage, Archaeology, Surf and Landcare Camp
2020 A collaboration to facilitate sharing of cultural knowledge and outdoor skills - and contribute to stronger community health and...

The Ancient History of Thistle Cove, Cultural Connections, and the Search for the Mountaineer Shipwr
Join us on an expedition to uncover the cultural history, marine ecology, and maritime history of Thistle Cove, Cape Le Grand National...

Language, Place Names, and Heritage Preservation in Alaska: An Applied Archaeology Field School
August, 2020 Applied Archaeology International is pleased to announce an intensive field school based in Prince William Sound that...

Cultural Burning as Heritage Preservation: An Archaeologist's 'View'
In the Esperance region of southwestern Australia, while standing atop a large granite dome several hundred meters above an expansive...

Cultural Ranger & Archaeology Field School, southwest USA
September 4th - 30th, 2019 Applied Archaeology International, in partnership with Southern Ute Education, Hopi Cultural Preservation,...

Protecting Coastal Cultural Heritage and Empowering Youth: A Case Study
Cultural values and places within our coastal zones face enormous pressure from erosion, land development, and recreation. The fragile...

Cape to Cape Heritage Preservation Project: Stage 1 - Archaeological Heritage Management
November 1st to 30th, 2020 This is an opportunity to get involved with a community archaeology project that will take place over four...

Protecting the resting place of the great explorer, Tommy Windich
In February, 1876, a young Balladong man was laid to rest on a beautiful beach track near the town of Esperance, southern Western...

Marine Biodiversity Hotspot - Ancient Cultural Landscapes
On a remote island off the southern coast of Western Australia, a team of researchers (Finding Salisbury) have identified a connection...