Turquoise Bend: Collaborative Archaeology
A multi-year project that works in partnership with Tribal Elders, youth, landowners and heritage organizations to provide integrated outcomes in managing cultural places on private land. within the Kenai River Valley of Alaska.

Esperance Tjaltjraak: Strategic Partnership
Our team work under the direction of the Circle of Elders, Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation, in southeastern Western Australia on a range of heritage surveys, cultural planning, and cultural natural resource management projects. In recent years, the team have completed a 680 kilometer heritage survey, a rock art restoration project, and several (cultural) natural resource management projects.
Eyak Cultural Foundation
This community program works with Eyak Elders on a range of cultural heritage management projects, cultural mapping, and youth training as part of ongoing cultural camps focused on cultural and language revitalization.

Wadandi Boodja: Undalup Association
Our team are in partnership with the Undalup Association, who work with Wadandi Elders and cultural facilitators on various cultural mapping projects and heritage site conservation and management. Together, the team are developing a platform for cultural rangers to look after the complex cultural landscapes of southwestern Australia.

Cultural Mapping, Waterways, and Ecology
Working in partnership with the Yaraoumoup Aboriginal Corporation, Gondwana Link, the Nowanup Rangers, and the Cetnre of Excellence in NRM, our team are coordinating regional-scale surveys along waterways to develop a cultural map and heritage management plan with targeted, on-ground site protection actions.

Murujuga Rangers
Our team worked with a variety of partners for several years to develop a Cultural Plan for the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation in northwestern, Western Australia; while delivering heritage training and mapping systems for the Murujuga Rangers.

Gangalidda-Garawa and Normanton Rangers
Our team was engaged by the Gulf of Carpenteria Aboriginal Land and Sea Council to work with the Gangalidda-Garawa and Normanton Rangers in northeastern Australia. The work involved setting up data collection and mapping systems with the rangers, and developing a site protection plan for a significant area.